Friday, January 8, 2010

Think Your Own Wind And Solar Power System, For a Better future... presnt!

Build your own solar power systems by click at Click here to start using the system for yourself.
Life evolved by mutation through various stages of fishes, birds, amphibians, mammals, and crowned by arrival of humans.whom create something from our human being to make solar substances.The human went through various stage of cave age, stone age, iron age, steam age, electric age, and electronic age reaching the present space age with its globalization.
With solar energy by which today era play measure role for village electrification, water pumping, solar water heater,dish solar cooker,solar power night shelter,street lighting, domestic lighting.
" The solar water heater is essentially a simple plumbing systems, free from all type of pollution (including noise pollution) with extremely low maintenance and running costs and an expected life of 10 to 15 years. and it run by solar energy. "
Solar power night shelters..
Its night shelter for homeless. which sets up for each with are mostly dingy, filthy and cold night are create problem for them.At least some of shelters will aesthetically designed bamboo houses that will not only insulate residents from the cold will also have solar panels that will generate own solar power to light up room inside them. Make Own Solar Power.
"On roof, the shelters will have solar panels that will store solar energy during the day from the sun and use it to provide light in the night."
Modern human tend to take sun for granted without realizing that their every mordernity consisting of cars, aeroplanes, staellites, radio, television, sets, home appliances, base entirely on the energy of the Sun.
for more information please Click here to check it out online now

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